Aries Under Stress: Aries Dark Side

Aries Under Stress: Aries Dark Side

Aries(Mar 21-Apr 19)
Aries the sign ruled by a planet of fire and war. Aries has a naturally competitive nature; they
can be great leaders, and great when it comes to business and sales. Aries are very romantic
companions; however, when an Aries is under stress, it’s the kind of sign that I recommend
keeping your distance from for a while.

Here are the 10 traits of an Aries when they’re not well, or in other words, under stress.

Number 1: Where’s the next box bag?

Aries, when you are under stress and especially when you’re angry, you have the temptation for
looking for places where you can first explode. Since you are ruled by the planet of war, you can
consider yourself a bit of a warrior when it comes to fighting. You will literally pick at the first
person who gets on your bad side to fight with, and it could be something as just bumping into
you by mistake, or even not agreeing to your opinion. You are easily triggered, you immediately
raise your voice over the smallest thing, and you have a tendency of being very aggressive, you
will physically fight anyone when you are mad. When fighting physically you will not stop until
your enemy has been defeated. That adrenaline that rushes through your body in a fight is your
way of getting high when you are under stress. It is an unreasonable way of expressing yourself
causing you to lose people in your life and to get into trouble.

Number 2: Competition is in the air!

Aries, your competitive nature can be somehow healthy in some areas of your life. You want to
win which is something good, however, it can get to the point where it’s no longer healthy. You
will literally do anything to win even if that means having to harm others or humiliate others.
This can later come and bite you in the back.

Number 3: I’m the Leader, not you.

You love to be the leader and let’s admit it, you’re good at it; however, you need to respect
other’s opinions and you’re not good at that. You can be very bossy and you do not demand
people tasks in the kindest way, causing other people to not want to be part of your team or
perhaps not even work with you. You’re great at leading, but not so great at managing people.

Number 4: No, I’m right.

Aries, you can be very stubborn. When your mind is made up you won’t care about anything or
anyone else. You value what you think and won’t let anyone change that for you.

Number 5: Not much of a receptor in communication

Aries, just like your anger, you are awesome at getting your ideas out. On the other hand,
you’re not so good at listening to others. Let’s face it, Aries, when you’re communicating with
someone, you’re not really hearing what the other person has to say. You are immediately
thinking about what you’re going to say next and you won’t even wait until he or she is done.
You will simply interrupt without noticing or apologizing. You simply want your idea to be the
best and to be heard.

Number 6: It’s not that I don’t care for others, I just care more about myself.

Aries, the truth is to be told, you are a heart full of passion and you feel things in an extreme
way others don’t, you can feel for others and help others when they are in need, however, you
will never go out of your way to do so if that means having to harm you or your plans.
Remember, that you’re the first of the zodiac so it’s your needs that come first, not others.

Number 7: A need to get physical

Like I’ve mentioned before, you have the energy of Mars. Mars is the planet of war, but also the
planet of sexual desires. So, when you’re under stress, you feel the urge to physically touch and
I’m not only talking about the fight that you might’ve had with the stranger around the corner,

but yes physically getting intimate with someone. We all know that it isn’t bad to want to get to
know someone in bed, right? However, if you use this as a way to escape to your stress every
time, just like drugs, this may lead to addiction.

Number 8: You need to feel in control

Aries, you have the urge of needing to feel in control of everything, which isn’t always possible.
Let’s be honest here, there are things in life of which you can control, others that aren’t
acceptable nor possible of controlling.

Number 9: Suspicions

Aries, you are very doubtful. Just like someone who’s at war and expecting for his rival to attack,
you think that about anyone who comes around you. You always question someone’s intentions
and worried if they’re playing you or not. I guess that we can say that it’s as if you sleep with
one eye open and another closed waiting for something to happen.

Number 10: EGO

The best for last, an Aries ego, your ego leads you to all the above. You don’t want to express
your emotions in a healthy way, because being vulnerable and humble to you will only ruin a
warrior’s reputation. Aries, there is obviously a need to heal the root cause of what you feel and
resolve it in a rational way.

Overall, despite these bad habits of yours when you’re not well, most of these when used for
good purposes will lead you to success. Use that Martial energy towards sports, with that
competitive nature you will win on the field. That leadership is such a great asset when used for
managing your finances and creating your goals. My advice to you is to control your anger as
well as control other aspects of your life. Your determination can take you far in life. You’ve got
this Aries.