Neptune in Leo, South Node in Cancer

Neptune in Leo ♌︎ 

Last Transit: Years 1914-1929

Neptune in Leo in the natal chart is symbolic of a glamorous energy with the ability to go through life with an eluding and disarming nature. The people born during this time were dreamers, they wanted decadence, but most were unable to obtain it. This has left people with this natal chart placement with a longing for something more. A desire to experience the glamour and beauty of life that is afforded to the elite or the chosen few. 

Neptune in Leo is reconciling the societal dynamics of exclusivity and inclusion. You want to be recognized for the unique person you are but at the same time may fear bumping up against societal norms and pressures. There is a sense that you are special or made to be someone greater than you feel you have become. The lesson with Neptune in Leo is to disillusion oneself to the glamour that appears to be accompanied by having “made it.” 

You are coming to terms with life’s imperfections and realizing that all people regardless of status, wealth, or abilities have struggles unique to the human experience. Neptune in Leo individuals will be able to find creative outlets for their dreams and desires. 

South Node in Cancer ♋︎ in the natal chart

If your South Node is in Cancer in the natal chart then this indicates past lives or past situations in your current life in which you felt like a victim to your own destiny. This placement indicates a tendency to narrate your life and see your experiences as a story playing out in front of you. You have a deep connection to the cycles of the universe and often see yourself as flowing within it. This has lead you to be fatalistic in many ways or caused you to develop a profound sense of surrender in which you do not feel you can direct your own fate. 

At times you may fall into depression or victim tendencies preferring to get sucked into the narratives of the past, family, and relationships. You are learning to understand your involvement in these situations and the role you can play in directing your own life path. As a natural storyteller you are beginning to understand your ability to weave your own narrative. 

 Individuals with the South Node in Cancer are developing a fierce sense of ownership and control over their own lives. Letting go of your dependency on others or an over attachment to your “story” is paramount in your healing journey. 

Neptune in Leo, South Node in Gemini

Neptune in Leo ♌︎ 

Last Transit: Years 1914-1929

Neptune in Leo in the natal chart is symbolic of a glamorous energy with the ability to go through life with an eluding and disarming nature. The people born during this time were dreamers, they wanted decadence, but most were unable to obtain it. This has left people with this natal chart placement with a longing for something more. A desire to experience the glamour and beauty of life that is afforded to the elite or the chosen few. 

Neptune in Leo is reconciling the societal dynamics of exclusivity and inclusion. You want to be recognized for the unique person you are but at the same time may fear bumping up against societal norms and pressures. There is a sense that you are special or made to be someone greater than you feel you have become. The lesson with Neptune in Leo is to disillusion oneself to the glamour that appears to be accompanied by having “made it.” 

You are coming to terms with life’s imperfections and realizing that all people regardless of status, wealth, or abilities have struggles unique to the human experience. Neptune in Leo individuals will be able to find creative outlets for their dreams and desires. 

South Node in Gemini ♊︎ in the natal chart

Having the point of the South Node in Gemini in your natal chart indicates that you have already learned to make light of situations, find the humor in things, and a well developed attachment to your own thought process. You may have a tendency to get stuck in relationships in which you only see the surface meaning. 

This placement can indicate that you get swept up in local gossip and possibly translate  information inaccurately at times. South Node in Gemini can indicate that you are very skilled at writing, reading, speaking, and teaching. You enjoy sharing your knowledge and have an innate sense of curiosity, making you open learning new things. 

Your soul is working on taking a deeper look at how you think and how others think. In this lifetime you are expanding your perspectives of others. You are learning to integrate the archetypes of the student and the teacher into one. Already excellent at asking questions you are now being prompted to trust the answers you receive. South Node in Gemini individuals are working on making a commitment on acting out their own philosophies in life. A way to heal your tendency to be indecisive is to teach others what you learn as you evolve. 

Neptune in Leo, South Node in Taurus

Neptune in Leo ♌︎ 

Last Transit: Years 1914-1929

Neptune in Leo in the natal chart is symbolic of a glamorous energy with the ability to go through life with an eluding and disarming nature. The people born during this time were dreamers, they wanted decadence, but most were unable to obtain it. This has left people with this natal chart placement with a longing for something more. A desire to experience the glamour and beauty of life that is afforded to the elite or the chosen few. 

Neptune in Leo is reconciling the societal dynamics of exclusivity and inclusion. You want to be recognized for the unique person you are but at the same time may fear bumping up against societal norms and pressures. There is a sense that you are special or made to be someone greater than you feel you have become. The lesson with Neptune in Leo is to disillusion oneself to the glamour that appears to be accompanied by having “made it.” 

You are coming to terms with life’s imperfections and realizing that all people regardless of status, wealth, or abilities have struggles unique to the human experience. Neptune in Leo individuals will be able to find creative outlets for their dreams and desires. 

South Node in Taurus ♉︎ in the natal chart

The South Node in Taurus in the natal chart represents that you are learning to leave behind an over attachment to your own belongings and values. You may have a stubborn streak in you that leads you to hang on to things long past their due date. For example, you may choose to stay in a relationship that you have been wanting to leave or at a job that no longer suits your needs. 

The point of the South Node in Taurus is working to overcome getting “stuck” or stagnate in your life circumstances. You are looking to deepen your relationship with others and see the hidden meaning behind the cycles of life. With this placement you will be presented with lessons that are pushing you towards creating soul connections with people and less with belongings. 

This placement may indicate past lives or past situations in your current life in which your belongings, physical experiences, and need for pleasure were your defining points of self. You are now working towards developing your sense of spiritual connection. Your psychic abilities may be switched on in this lifetime providing you with a greater understanding of the universe. Your job will be to integrate your attachment to physical experiences with your new spiritual worldview.